var crmIP=''; var brow='Firefox'; var vers='21.0'; var sCook='True'; //***Enable/Disable survey codes //***To enable survey codes, assign 1 //***To disable survey codes, assign 2 var sniffernet=2; function wCook(n,v,h) { var xpr= ""; if(h != null) { xpr = new Date((new Date()).getTime() + h * 3600000); xpr = "; expires=" + xpr.toGMTString(); } document.cookie = n + "=" + escape(v) + xpr +";path=/;"; } function rCook(name) { var cVal = ""; var search = name + "="; var dCook = document.cookie; if(dCook.length > 0) { offset = dCook.indexOf(search); if (offset != -1) { offset += search.length; end = dCook.indexOf(";", offset); if (end == -1) end = dCook.length; cVal = unescape(dCook.substring(offset, end)) } } return cVal; } function addJsTag() { var spt= document.createElement('script'); spt.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript'); spt.setAttribute('src', 'http://'+project_url+'sitecrm/sitecrm.js'); document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(spt); } if((sCook=='True')&&(rCook("crmseen")!="seen")) { //-------Declare the intercept rates (Should add up to 100%) var exit=100; //Enter percent var entry=0; //Enter percent var nosurvey=0; //Enter percent var project_url=''; //project url var privacy=""; //Privacy URL var exiturl="/sitecrm/surveyenabler.htm"; //enter the surveyEnabler.htm path var entryurl="http://"+project_url+"cscreen.asp"; //enter url for entry survey var pid="esplndbdq11"; //enter project id for this project var strWebSite=''; var clientLogo='/sitecrm/logo.gif'; //client logo url var crmLogo="/sitecrm/crmlogo.jpg"; var invTextN='Thank you for visiting this website. We value your opinions and would appreciate your feedback to help us develop better offerings and services for you in the future. This survey should only take few minutes to complete.'; //invitation text for control survey var strParticipateN='Take Survey'; var invTextX='

Dear Visitor,

You have been selected to participate in a short survey to improve Esplanade\'s website and serve you better in the future. At the end of your visit, you will receive an invitation to provide your feedback on your visit experience.

To participate, simply click the “Yes, I wish to participate” button below. After you click this button, a small window will be minimized in your task bar, allowing you to continue your visit.

If you do not wish to participate, click the “No Thanks” button. This survey should only take a few minutes to complete. Esplanade values your opinion and takes your privacy very seriously.

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